Katedra Mechaniki Budowli
Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej, Środowiska
i Geodezji
Politechnika Koszalińska
Here available in English
dr hab. inż. Mirosław Wesołowski, prof. uczelni
Politechnika Koszalińska, Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej, Środowiska i Geodezji
Katedra Mechaniki Budowli
75-453 Koszalin, ul. Śniadeckich 2, 407C
tel.: 94-3478-568, e-mail: miroslaw.wesolowski@tu.koszalin.pl
Tematyka pracy naukowo-badawczej
Mechanika materiałów kompozytowych, wytrzymałość materiałów, Metoda Elementów Skończonych, eksperymentalna analiza modalna, techniki odwrotne.
- Wesolowski M., Ruchwa M., Dyyak I. (2024) Static flexural response of sandwich beams with aluminium and 3D printed composite truss core. In: 9th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites - MECHCOMP9 2024, Porto, Portugal, 26-28 June 2024. Porto: the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto / Conference /
- Wesolowski M., Ruchwa M., Rucevskis S. (2023) Nonlinear static analysis of truss core sandwich beams in three-point bending test. Archives of Civil Engineering, Vol. LXIX(4), pp. 459-475. ( Journal Article)
- Wesolowski M., Ruchwa M., Rucevskis S. (2022) Nieliniowa statyczna analiza kompozytowej belki przekładkowej z wypełnieniem kratownicowym w próbie trzypunktowego zginania. In: XVI Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna TECHNIKI KOMPUTEROWE W INŻYNIERII 2022, TKI2022. Mrągowo, Poland, 18-21 October 2022. Warsaw: Military University of Technology. ( Conference Paper)
- Wesolowski M., Ruchwa M., Skukis E., Kovalovs A. (2020), Numerical and Experimental Extraction of Dynamic Parameters for Pyramidal Truss Core Sandwich Beams with Laminated Face Sheets. Materials 2020, 13(22), 5199.
- Rucevskis Sandris, Wesolowski Miroslaw, Kovalovs Andrejs, (2020), Finite Element Model Calibration of Sandwich Structure Based on Mixed Numerical Experimental Technique, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 960, 2020, Article Number: 032048, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/960/3/032048.
- Kovalovs Andrejs, Ručevskis Sandris, Kulakov Vladimir, Miroslaw Wesolowski, (2020), Optimum Position of Electrodes to Detect Delaminations in Composite Materials Using the Electric Resistance Change Method, Mechanics of Composite Materials Vol. 55, 2020, Issue 6, DOI: 10.1007/s11029-020-09852-y, ISSN 0191-5665, pp. 811-818.
- Wesolowski Miroslaw, Barkanov Evgeny, Damping Identification and Prediction for Laminated Composite Plates, (2019), IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 660, 2019, Article no. 012049; doi:10.1088/1757-899X/660/1/012049, 4th International Conference on Innovative Materials, Structures and Technologies, Riga, Latvia, 2019. 25 - 27.09.2019, ISSN: 1757-8981.
- M Wesolowski, E Barkanov, (2019), Improving material damping characterization of a laminated plate, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 462, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsv.2019.114928, pp. 1-12.
- Andrejs Kovalovs, Sandris Rucevskis, Vladimir Kulakov, Miroslaw Wesolowski, (2019), Damage Detection in Carbon Fibre Reinforced Composites Using Electric Resistance Change Method, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 471, 2019, Article no. 102014, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/471/10/102014.
- Janeliukstis Rims, Rucevskis Sandris, Wesolowski Miroslaw, Chate Andris, (2017), Experimental structural damage localization in beam structure using spatial continuous wavelet transform and mode shape curvature methods, 2017, Measurement, Vol. 102, pp.253-270.
- Kovalovs Andrejs, Barkanov Evgeny, Ruchevskis Sandris, Wesolowski Miroslaw, (2017) Optimisation Methodology of a Full-Scale Active Twist Rotor Blade, 2017, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 178, pp. 85-95.
- Wesolowski Miroslaw, Ludewicz Jakub, Domski Jacek, Zakrzewski Mateusz, (2017), Shear properties evaluation of a truss core of sandwich beams, IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 251, Article Number: 012085.
- Kovalovs Andrejs, Barkanov Evgeny, Ruchevskis Sandris, Wesolowski Miroslaw, (2017), Modeling and Design of a Full-Scale Rotor Blade with Embedded Piezocomposite Actuators, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Vol. 53, 2017, Issue 2, pp. 179-192.
- Janeliukstis Rims, Rucevskis Sandris, Wesolowski Miroslaw, Chate Andris, (2017), Damage identification in beam structure based on thresholded variance of normalized wavelet scalogram, IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 251, 2017, Article Number: 012089.
- Janeliukstis Rims, Rucevskis Sandris, Wesolowski Miroslaw, Chate Andris, (2017), Multiple damage identification in beam structure based on wavelet transform, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 172, 2017, pp.426-432.
- E. Barkanov, M. Wesolowski, W. Hufenbach, M. Dannemann, An effectiveness improvement of the inverse technique based on vibration tests, Computers & Structures, Volume 146, January 2015, pp. 152-162.
- P.Y. Akishin, E.N. Barkanov, M. Wesolowski, E.M. Kolosova, Static and dynamic techniques for nondestructive elastic material properties characterisation, Proceeding of The International Summer School - Advanced Problems in Mechanics (APM2014), June 30- July 5, 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia
- M. Wesolowski, E. Barkanov , Improving an inverse technique for characterisation of laminated plates, Shell Structures: Theory and Applications vol. 3. - Proceedings of the 10th SSTA 2013 Conference, Gdańsk, Poland, pp. 157-160.
- M. Wesolowski, E. Barkanov, Model errors influence on identified composite material properties, Composite Structures (ELSVIER) Vol. 94 , pp. 2716-2723, 2012.
- S. Rucevskis and M. Wesolowski, Identification of damage in a beam structure by using mode shape curvature squares. Shock and Vibration, Vol. 17, No. 4-5, 2010, ISSN 1070-9622 (Print), 1875-9203 (Online), pp. 601-610.
- Rucevskis S., Wesolowski M. and Chate A., Damage detection in laminated composite beam by using vibration data, Vibromechanika. Journal of Vibroengineering, ISSN 1392-8716, Vol. 11, Issue 3, 2009 September, Lithuania, pp. 363-374.
- Rucevskis S., Wesolowski M. and Chate A. Vibration-based damage identification in laminated composite beams, Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, Section "Construction Science", 2009, series 2, Vol. 10: ISSN 1407-7329 , pp.100-113.
- Rucevskis S., Wesolowski M. and Chate A., Vibration-based damage detection in a beam structure with multiple damage locations, Aviation. Vilnius: Technika, Vol. 13(3), 2009, ISSN 1648-7788 (hardcopy), ISSN 1822-4180 (online), Lithuania, pp. 61-71.
- A. Kovalovs, M. Wesolowski, E. Barkanov, S. Gluhihs. Application of macro-fibre composite (MFC) as a piezoelectric actuator. Vibromechanika. Journal of Vibroengineering, Volume 11, Issue 1, ISSN 1392-8716, March 2009, pp. 105-112.
- E. Barkanov, E. Skukis, M. Wesolowski, and A. Chate. Characterization of Adhesive Layers in Sandwich Composites by Nondestructive Technique. The World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 38, February 2009, ISSN: 2070-3740, pp. 1-6.
- J.Malachowski, M.Wesolowski, W. Krason. Computational study of transport aircraft landing gear during touchdown. Journal of KONES Powertrain and Transport, ISSN 1231-4005, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 187-195, 2006.
- J.Malachowski, W. Krason, M.Wesolowski. Numerical research of dynamics of transport aircraft's landing gear. Engineering Modelling, ISSN 1896-771X, vol. 1, Nr 32, 2006, pp. 369 -374, (in polish).
- M. Wesolowski, P. Mihaylova, A. Pratellesi, Laminated composites optimization in a NVH analysis of vehicles, Book of Abstracts of the 22nd SICOMP Conference on Manufacturing and Design of Composites, May 30-31, 2011, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Akishin P., Wesolowski M. and Barkanov E., Nondestructive Technique for Characterisation of Nanocomposite Material Properties. In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Scientific-Practical Conference and Accompanying Exhibition "Composite Materials in the Industry", Yalta, Ukraine, 2011, p. 243-246.
- P. Akishin, M. Wesolowski and E. Barkanov, Non-Destructive Characterisation of Nanocomposite Material Properties. Book of Abstracts of the International Baltic Sea Region Conference on Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies (FM&NT-2011), Riga, Latvia, 5-8 April 2011, PO-100, 190.
- Barkanov E., Chate A., Wesolowski M. and Skukis E., Vibration Based Method for Characterisation of Elastic, Hysteretic and Viscoelastic Composite Material Properties. In: Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Scientific-Practical Conference and Accompanying Exhibition "Composite Materials in the Industry",Yalta, Ukraine, 2010, p. 439-441.
- E. Barkanov and M Wesolowski, Influence of Experimental and Numerical Errors on the Accuracy of Identified Material Properties. Abstracts of the 5th International Conference on Inverse Problems: Modelling and Simulation, Antalya, Turkey, 24-29 May 2010, p. 144-145.
- Wesolowski M., Barkanov E., Chate A., Characterisation of Storage and Loss Moduli of Laminated Composites via an Inverse Technique. Proceedings of the 17th IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Paris, France, May 16-21, 2010, paper ID 1540, 2 pages.
- M. Wesolowski, E. Barkanov, S. Rucevskis, A. Chate and G. La Delfa. Characterisation of elastic properties of laminated composites by non-destructive techniques, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 27-31 July, 2009, paper no. F5:12, 10 pages.
- M. Wesolowski and E. Barkanov. Errors of experimental and numerical models in vibration analysis of structures, Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ISBN 978-83-60716-71-7, Krakow 5-9 July, 2009
- S. Rucevskis and M. Wesolowski. Identification of Damage in a Beam Structure by Using Mode Shape Curvature Squares, Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Engineering Dynamics, ISBN 978-989-96276-0-4, 2009, 22-24 June, 2009, Ericeira, Portugal.
- M. Wesolowski, S. Rucevskis, E. Barkanov and A. Chate. Accuracy of vibration based identification technique used for damage detection. Proceedings of the 20th Annual International SICOMP Conference, June 8-9, 2009, Pitea, Sweden.
- Kovalovs A., Wesolowski M., Rucevskis S.. Determination of elastic properties by vibration analysis. Book of Abstracts of the FM&NT-2009, International Baltic Sea Region conference "Functional materials and nanotechnologies", Riga, Latvia, March 31 - April 3, 2009, pp. 191.
- M.Wesolowski and E.Barkanov. Experimental and numerical errors influence on structural dynamic characteristics in inverse problems. Book of Abstracts of the XV International Conference on Mechanics of Composite Materials (MCM-2008) , Riga, Latvia, 26-30 May, 2008, pp. 276-277.
- M. Wesolowski and E. Barkanov. The Role of The Experimental Error in The Inverse Technique Problem Based on Vibration Test. Proceedings of the 27th Seminar of the Scientific Association of Young Engineers of the Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 24-25 April, 2008, pp. 297-310.
- E. Barkanov, E. Skukis, and M. Wesolowski. Passive vibration control in frequency and time domain. Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Materials and Adaptive Structures: Mathematical Modelling and Computation, Tangier, Morocco, 14-16 April, 2008, pp.145-147.
- A. Kovalovs, M. Wesolowski, E. Barkanov, S. Gluhihs, E. Skukis. Modal analysis of composite plate. Book of Abstracts of the FM&NT-2008, International Baltic Sea Region conference "Functional materials and nanotechnologies", April 1-4, 2008 Riga, Latvia, pp. 89.
- E. Barkanov, A. Chate, E. Skukis and M.Wesolowski. Characterisation of viscoelastic layers in sandwich panels by an inverse technique. Book of Abstracts of the 14th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS-14), 19-21 November 2007 Melbourne, Australia, pp. R14.
- M.Wesolowski. Kinematics and dynamics finite element method analysis of the aircraft undercarriage front gear. Proceedings of the International Conference in Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia, April 2005, (in polish).
- M.Wesolowski, The FEM modelling arrangement of damping of the aircraft landing gear. Proceedings of the 24th Seminar of the Scientific Association of Young Engineers of the Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, March 2005, (in polish).
- M.Wesolowski, Numerical analysis of kinematics of the front plane undercarriage. Proceedings of the 23rd Seminar of the Scientific Association of Young Engineers of the Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, March 2005, (in polish).